What is Self Storage in East London, South Africa?


Self Storage is where you bring your items or belongings to our safe and secure Self Storage Unit for safe and easy storage. These days most people tend to downsize but still gather as many items as they possibly can only to be left without space in their homes or garages

Self-storage facilities rent space on a short-term basis (often month-to-month, though options for longer-term leases are available only at some facilities) to individuals (usually storing household goods, cars, boats or trailers; nearly all jurisdictions prohibit the space from being used as a residence) or to businesses (usually storing excess inventory or archived records). Some facilities offer boxes, locks, and packaging supplies for sale to assist tenants in packing and safekeeping their goods, and may also offer truck or trailer rentals like SA Trailer Hire 


How do I choose Self Storage Units in East London South Africa?


Take a look at the things you plan to put into storage. You may already have an idea of the size of self storage unit you want to rent, but keep in mind that you don’t want to just rent a storage unit that will fit all of your items, you want a unit where you can fit yourself inside with a little room to work.

If you ever want to be able to get your items out, you don’t want to pack your storage space wall to wall, floor to ceiling. Many people get the smallest possible unit they can get in order to save money, and then wind up having to empty half of it to get to a box that’s in the back. Don’t be that guy, unless you know you’ll never need anything you’re putting inside.





Why do I need to store my items in Self Storage East London, South Africa?

Here are three reasons why you might want to choose self-storage:

  1. You’re downsizing and need some place to store your extra possessions.
  2. You’re moving temporarily and don’t want to haul your belongings with you.
  3. You’re a small business owner who needs a place to store inventory that you don’t use every day.

Some families may need more space when a child returns from college or an elderly parent moves into the home. Depending on where you live, it may be less expensive to rent a self storage unit in East London, South Africa to keep furniture and appliances than it is to move to a larger home


Whatever reasons people have for embracing self storage, the number of people who use self storage facilities is growing. According to the Self Storage Association, a trade group for the self-storage industry, 10 percent of households rent public self storage units, up from 6 percent in 1995.



Storage Tips for units and storing in East London, South Africa

1. Use dryer sheets to keep insects and spiders away. Place them in all corners and boxes especially by the front of the unit. The sheets will also keep your items smelling fresh! (Be sure to replace the dryer sheets monthly to maximize results)

2. Use breathable materials such as cardboard for storage so that moisture isn’t trapped. Never store your items in plastic bags or other airtight containers.

3. Make an aisle between boxes so you can easily access your stored items. Sometimes you will need single items from the unit, with an aisle, you won’t have to move all of the other boxes out!

4. Put charcoal in a saucepan and leave it in your unit.  It will help absorb moisture.

5. Make the most use of vertical space by stacking boxes of the same size and storing couches on their side. Use shelving along the sides of your unit for even more space and organization!

6. Use mattress covers to keep mattresses and box springs dust-free. Or you can use 2 fitted sheets to cover the top and bottom to keep the dust away.

7. Leave a small space between the walls and your boxes. It prevents mold and allows for ventilation. Also use our wood pallets to keep your boxes off the floor for further ventilation.

8. While most items you store will be temperature resistant, be cautious with very sensitive items like electronics. Don’t store them in extremely cold weather. Freezing temperatures can ruin electronics like flat screen TVs and can even wipe the hard drive of laptops and computers! If you remove the items in the cold, allow them to sit for 48 hours in your heated home before plugging them in to prevent plastic components from cracking.

9. Drain all fuel from leaf blowers, lawn mowers, and other gas-powered machines. When storing your car, make sure the gas tank is either completely full or completely empty to avoid condensation!

10. Pack your truck backward from how you would like your unit packed. A little planning goes a long way!





Can I get someone to help me move my household items to East London Public Self Storage, South Africa?

We always suggest using a reputable removals company. Using the wrong person/company to help with your valuable items can have disastrous results. You want someone first of all that is reliable ie being there on time, someone that won’t damage or steal your items. Another big consideration is someone or a company that knows how to pack your unit correctly like heavy items on the floor and smaller lighter items on top.

As well as not packing heavy items on your glasses or cups for example. They should also know how to wrap your items to avoid damage and also to keep dust out or off your items and also leave your fridge door open to avoid mold as generally there is no electricity inside a storage unit.





How long can I use a Self Storage Unit for in East London Self Storage, South Africa?

Contracts at East London Self Storage, South Africa is just done on a month to month basis, no long term leases.

We only require for you to provide us with 1 calendar month written notice minimum. Even if you did cancel and circumstances change please just let us know and we can extend your lease again for your storage unit at East London Self Storage, South Africa.